The basic equipment consists of components which can be used for all applications.
With the control unit all applications check themselves up simply and with a lot of feeling. It is easy to run and everything is clearly arranged to leave nothing to the chance.
The cable winch automatically adaps itself to the speed of the robot and provides a perfect on and off winding. It is equipped with a yardage counter unit, an additional lighting fixed on the cable winch to light a shaft and an additional hand-operated winch to position the flexible deflector roll.
The C120-4 crawler is a master of metamorphosis. With few handles it can be adapted to the pipe diameter. ( DN120 - DN600 ). There is no problem to put Cutters, Hats or Shortliner to the right place or driving inside with a satllite camera, cutting roots or washing inside the connection while using a hopper unit. This process will be assembled in a few steps.
The additional lights can be mounted directly on the crawler, but also on the gearbox and on the packer, so it provides an opimal lightening.
The camera holder will be mounted directly on the crawler and on the hopper-unit.
The gears hold the equipment (milling unit, hat-installation device,...). The wheelset sees to it that the C120E adapts to its surrounding perfectly and the weights provides the required stability.